Medjugorje Apparitions

The Demonic History of the Ustasha Regime in MEDJUGORJE

Medjugorje Photos

Ustasha Regime in Medjugorje

Between August 1941 to April 1945, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Romas were murdered at the death camp known as Jasenovac.

Medjugorje Photos

Ustasha Regime in Medjugorje

There were five major death camps and three special camps that were spread out over 240 square kilometers in south-central Croatia and in Bosnia.

Medjugorje Photos

Ustasha Regime in Medjugorje

Jasenovac is known for having been the most barbaric death camp of the Holocaust for the extreme cruelty in which its victims were tortured and murdered.

Medjugorje Photos

Ustasha Regime in Medjugorje

In the period of 16 months, over 600,000 Serbs were killed in the most brutal ways imaginable, usually by throwing living people in deep natural pits called “Jame.”

Medjugorje Photos

Ustasha Regime in Medjugorje

Hundreds of these pits were utilized across the Independent State of Croatia. The largest and most notorious pit was called Golubinka and it's located in Medjugorje.



Video by Lordan Zafranovic, a Yugoslav documentary that describes the atrocities that occurred at Medjugorje.

View the Demonic History of Medjugorje video in a new window.
















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